Hercules RMX 2

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: So 7. Sep 2014, 22:39

Hercules RMX 2

Beitrag von Hanginon » Di 21. Jul 2015, 05:16

Has anyone been able to map the RMX 2 with or without LED's??

I can't get it to work.
Beiträge: 2641
Registriert: Mo 29. Sep 2008, 20:51
Wohnort: Feldkirch

Re: Hercules RMX 2

Beitrag von muntablues » Di 21. Jul 2015, 17:31

Where is the Problem?

For informatuion: I had some issues before 1.815 (Wheels learning) and maybe your are solved for you now?!

The easiest way, if you reall yhave problems, a short teamviewer session. Then I can see the problems "live" on your system and solve it right after that...
Gruß MB

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: So 7. Sep 2014, 22:39

Re: Hercules RMX 2

Beitrag von Hanginon » Fr 24. Jul 2015, 04:38

I believe the problem is that the Hercules RMX2 ASIO driver is not loading in V1.815.

What is making this even harder is that Google Translate is not working on this site when I am logged in.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: So 7. Sep 2014, 22:39

Re: Hercules RMX 2

Beitrag von Hanginon » Fr 24. Jul 2015, 13:30

The Hercules driver is the newest

I have two laptops, one Windows 7 the other Windows 8.1

Both do the same thing - after you switch from DirectSound to ASIO, when you load a song, nothing happens. Also, if you hit the ASIO config button, nothing happens.

Cross DJ 3.3.10 64 bit, Traktor 2.8.1, and MIXXX 1.12 beta all work OK
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: So 7. Sep 2014, 22:39

Re: Hercules RMX 2

Beitrag von Hanginon » Fr 24. Jul 2015, 15:42

Found out that even though there is a selection for ASIO drivers, DIGIJAY isn't unloading the previous ASIO driver. I had to delete the Numark DJIO ASIO driver from my laptop before the Hercules ASIO driver would load in V1.815 (I do not know about earlier versions). This is not necessary with Cross DJ, Traktor, or MIXXX.

Now to get the mapping working for the RMX2. Again, does anyone have one that actually works??
Beiträge: 2641
Registriert: Mo 29. Sep 2008, 20:51
Wohnort: Feldkirch

Re: Hercules RMX 2

Beitrag von muntablues » Mo 27. Jul 2015, 18:47

Ok, I will ask the guy, who developes the audio library, to get a DEBUG version, maybe we can find out what is going on...

I will give you further information, till I get an answer for the audio guy...
Gruß MB

Beiträge: 2641
Registriert: Mo 29. Sep 2008, 20:51
Wohnort: Feldkirch

Re: Hercules RMX 2

Beitrag von muntablues » Mo 27. Jul 2015, 19:44

The audio developer gave me a littel test tool where you can test your setup.

What to do:
1. Run "ShowDevice" with both driver installed (RMX and DJIO)
2. Look at the output and remeber the number in front of the RMX
3. Edit "PlaySound" so, that the number after -d is the number from "ShowDevices". After that save and run and than you should here some bells ringing...
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Gruß MB
